ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 69 g/l fenoxaprop - p-ethyl + antidotpage
DOSES OF ADMINISTRATION: IMASPRO 7,5 VP has been authorized for use in the control of one-year-old cereal weeds, incl. wild oats at:
Avena fatua
Echinochloa crus- glli
Digitaria sanguinalis
Alopecurus myosuroides
Sorghum halepense
Apera spica-venti
Setaria sp.
Wheat and barley:
Doses of use: 100 ml/da imported during vegetation from Phase 3 to the end of the breeding of the wild oats.
ADVANTAGES: Selectivity to wheat and barley. The product is quickly taken from the leaves. Rain fell two hours after treatment did not reduce the herbicidal effect of IMASPRO 7,5 VP. Controls wheat weeds to a second knee. It completely degrades and does not threaten the next in crop rotation.
ACTIVITY OF IMASPRO 7,5 VP: After the herbicide moves to the sensitive plants, the assimilation processes cease, thus ending their competition with the culture in terms of water and nutrients. Complete weed dying takes 12 to 18 days depending on the specific climatic conditions.
CONTROLLED SILK: It acts against wild oats, millet hen, blood mildew, fox tail, kestrel, shrubs, seed baller and rhizome, etc.
USE: The herbicidal action of IMASPRO 7,5 VP is unaffected by the soil type, the soil moisture content and the quality of the soil cultivation. High air humidity and optimum temperature are factors that provide better effect for weed destruction. Rain falling 2 hours after treatment with IMASPRO 7,5 VP does not reduce its effect. Recommended quantity of working solution 20 l/da - 30 l/da using conventional ground equipment. When spraying with a lesser amount of working solution (air filtration), uniform coverage of the weed's foliage must be ensured by using a narrower spray nozzle and a high pressure nozzle.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 750 g/kg of tribenuron methyl in the form of water-dispersible granules.
Broadleaf weeds:
Amaranthus retroflexus
Solanum nigrum
Bifora radians
Capsella bursapastoris
Cirsium arvense
Matricaria chamomilla
Stellaria media
Sinapis arvensis
Ranunculus arvensis
Chenopodium spp
Atriplex spp
Raphanus raphanistrum
Papaver rhoeas
Anthemis arvensis
Adonis aestivalis
Urtica urens
Centaurea cyanus
Galeopsis tertahit
Senecio vulgaris
Thiaspi arvensis
Lithospermum arvense
Helianthus annuus
Viola tricolor
Galium aparine
Carduus acanthoides
Polygonum convolvulus.
DOSES OF ADMINISTRATION: CORRIDA 75 VDP is approved in Bulgaria for the control of annual deciduous trees, incl. susceptible to hormone-like herbicide weeds at:
Dose of use: 1.5 g/ha. Applied in phase
2-4 sheets of weeds.
CORRIDA 75 LVD is a selective systemic herbicide of the sulfonylurea group designed to combat economically important broadleaf weeds in fodder wheat crops.
ACTION OF CORRIDA 75 LVD: The herbicide penetrates mainly through the leaves of the weed plants, and part of the active substance is taken up by the roots. It quickly penetrates the meristem tissues, where it disrupts the cell division by inhibiting the synthesis of the acetolactate enzyme, which causes the growth of growth and the death of the weeds.
CONTROLLED SKINS: CORRIDA 75 LVD is effective against annual and multi-yearly dicotyledonous weeds, incl. and those resistant to hormone-like herbicides: PALAMIDA, SILVA, POLAND SYNAPE, PODMUMCHE, chamomile, kalendro, wild poppy, triticum violet, donkey thistle, beetle, bean, wild turnip and a number of others.
USE: The action of CORRIDA 75 LVD is not affected by the temperature conditions during treatment as with hormone-like herbicides. Sensitive weeds are also destroyed at an air temperature of 5-6 ° C, even if the soil is frozen. At the same time, wheat crops do not show signs of phytotoxicity if sprayed in hot weather (above 25 ° C). Best results are obtained when weeds are in early stages of development and in active growth. The exception is palladium, which is destroyed as much as possible if treated at a height of about 10 cm. When spraying with a smaller amount of working solution (aerotracking), a uniform coverage of the weed's foliage must be ensured by using a narrower spray nozzle and high pressure. The product is blended with foliar fertilizers.
NASA 360 L
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 360 g/l glyphosate in the form of a soluble concentrate.
Annual and perennial wheat and broadleaf weeds
DOSES OF USE: NASA 360 is authorized for use against annual and perennial cereals and broadleaf weeds in a dose of 400-1200 ml/da.
NASA 360 SL is a total, foliar, systemic herbicide. It destroys the weeds entirely - both the ground and the root system.
ACTION OF NASA 360 SL: It penetrates the leaves and moves to the roots and roots for 1 to 3 days. It suppresses the synthesis of amino acids. One-year-old weeds perish for 3-4 days, and perennial for 15-20 days. Causes wilting and chlorosis, followed by the death of the overground mass and underground parts of the plants.
USE: To achieve a high herbicidal effect, weeds should be fresh and in active growth. Spray with sufficient soil moisture, temperatures between 20 and 30 ° C and intense sunshine. The herbicide can be applied with tractor sprayers, various types of spraying sprayers and by spreading a concentrated solution with special equipment. Work with limiters and low pressure 2 bars. The leaves of weeds should not be wet during treatment. The flow rate of the working solution varies from 3 to 20 l / ha depending on the technique used. In partial salvage, NASA 360 SL is administered at a concentration of 2% (200 ml/10 l of water). Areas in permanent crops (vines and orchards) are treated after at least 10 days have elapsed since the pruning and cleaning of the shoots.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: oxyfluorfen - 240 g/l.
Abutilon theophrasti
Sinapis arvensis
Raphanus raphanistrum
Chenopodium album
Amarantus retroflexus
Datura stramonium
Solanum nigrum
Veronica ssp.
Setaria viridis
Lamium purpureum
Capsella bursa- pastoris
Galium aparine
Galium tricorne
Lathyrus ssp.
Matricaria hammomila
Fallopia convulvulus
Рortulaca oleracea
Xanthium strumarium
Echinochloa crus-galli
Hibiscus trionum
DOSES OF ADMINISTRATION: The product is authorized in Bulgaria for:
-150 ml/da, is imported vegetatively (April-May) with targeted spraying.
SMERCH 24 EC is a selective, soil and foliar herbicide for combating annual and some perennial broadleaf weeds in a number of agricultural and forest crops. As a soil herbicide it is effective against fox tail, wild oats, leeks, lobsters, chamomile, beans, mustard, black pepper grapes, etc., and as a leaf shredder destroys leeks, shrimps, wild turnips, sheepdogs etc.
Sunflower: against annuals and some perennial broadleaf weeds in a dose:
- 80 ml/da. It is introduced vegetatively for the crop and in the 2-4 leaf weeds.
- 80-100 ml/da. It is applied after sowing, before the emergence of the crop, on well prepared soil.
CONSEQUENCE: Depending on climatic conditions - up to 5-6 months.
ACTION OF SMERCH 24 EK: Pre-emergence application, the product forms a herbicide film on the soil surface. After germination the weeds are destroyed by their direct contact with SMERCH 24 EK. It violates the process of photosynthesis in weeds, which is why light is needed for its effective action. Soil properties do not significantly affect the herbicidal action of SMERCH 24 EK.
USE: The lower dose is applied to lighter soils and less weed and the higher to heavier soils and higher density of weeds. Falling rain intensifies the action of the product. With different doses, it can be used on onions, soy, peanuts, cotton, tomatoes, pepper, tobacco, orchards and more. Recommended quantity of working solution - 30-60 l / ha with ground equipment. In case of insufficient soil moisture to achieve good effect against weeds, a larger amount of working solution is used.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 50 g/l quizalofop-p-ethyl formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate.
Alopecurus myosuroides
Avena fatua
Bromus arvensis
Apera spica- venti
Lolium spp.
Echinochloa crus- dalli
Digitaria sanguinalis
Setaria veridis; Setaria glauca
Poa anua
Triticum aestivum
Hordeum vulgare
Agropyron repens
Cynodon dactylon
Sorghum halepense
DOSES OF APPLICATION: TORNADO 5 EK is approved for use in Bulgaria to combat:
- Against annual and perennial cereal weeds, including rhinoceros ballerina, introduced into the 3rd and 5th leaf stage (10-15 cm height of the boulder) at a dose of 200 ml/da.
- Against annual and perennial cereal weeds, including sunflower ballerina, introduced in phase 3-5th weed (10-15 cm height of the boulder) at a dose of 200 ml/da.
CONSEQUENCE: Depending on climatic conditions - at least 2 months
TORNADO 5 EK is a selective, foliar, systemic herbicide. It has been successfully applied in a large number of crops such as raspberries, soybean, sugar beet, vineyards, cotton, tobacco, beans, potatoes, onions, rape, strawberries, etc.
ACTIVITY OF TORNADO 5 EK: After the treatment of the plants, the product is swallowed for several hours from the leaves, it moves and accumulates at the weeds, including in their rhizomes. Characteristically, before they die, the weeds acquire anthocyanic coloring. Rainfall fallen one hour after the use of TORNADO 5 EC does not reduce its herbicidal action.
CONTROLLED SLAVES: The herbicide is designed to combat annual cereal weeds (millet hen, blood mildew, fox tail, kestrel, chaffinch, wild oats) and perennial wheat weeds (baryur, pyreas, and thrush) in many deciduous crops.
USE: The appropriate time for application of the product is the active growth phase of the weeds. In the case of perennial wheat weed, the effect against rhizomes is increased if the indicated dose is divided and applied twice in a 3-week interval (two consecutive treatments with half of the required amount of herbicide are done). Sprays must finish no later than 60 days before harvest. At the indicated dose, the product is compatible with leaf fertilizers.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 40 g / l of nicosulfuron formulated as a suspension concentrate.
APPLIES TO WEEDS: Against one-year-old cereals, rhizome ballerina and some broad-leaved weeds
Cereal weeds:
Sorghum halepense
Setaria glauca
Setaria viridis
Digitaria sanguinalis
Agropyron repens
Lolium spp.
Alopecurus myosuroides
Avena fatua
Cyperus longus
Broadleaf weeds:
Amarantus retroflexus
Stellaria media
Capsella bursa- pastoris
Abutilont heophrasti
Sinapis arvensis
Raphanus raphanistrum
Fumaria officinalis
Ranunculus ssp.
Solanum nigrum
Matricaria hammomila
Helianthus annuus
DOSES OF APPLICATION: For corn 125 ml/da. It is applied in phase 2th - 4th sheet of the boulder and 8th sheet of culture.
ACTION OF LAGOS 4 SK: It is quickly taken from the leaves of the weeds and transported on the conductive tissues to the roots, rhizomes and rhizomes. The product inhibits cell division and plant growth by blocking the synthesis of amino acids. The weeds immediately stop their development and wither completely for 2-3 weeks after treatment. Before their complete destruction, the broad-leaved weeds change their color to reddish-yellowish, and the wheat acquires anthocyanic color.
USE: In order to maximize the effect of LOGOS 4 SK treatment, the boulder should be 15-20 cm high, other cereal and broadleaf weeds should be in the 2nd to 4th leaf stage and the maize up to 8th sheet . With LOGOS 4 SK can be sprayed twice and the first treatment is done with 100 ml/da and the second one - 15-20 days later with 50 ml/da.
Thanks to the systemic action of LOGOS 4 SK, rainfall after treatment does not reduce its herbicidal effect. We recommend that LOGOS 4 SK be sprayed with a tractor sprayer with 25-30 liters of water per hectare. It is desirable to work under low pressure to avoid the mist from the solution on sensitive crops.
LOGOS 4 SK should not be used when maize is treated with products based on bentazone or organophosphorus insecticides. Avoid using it when the crop is subjected to stress from atypical high or low temperatures as well as in a poor physiological state.
LOGOS 4 SK is compatible with the herbicide 2.4D - (125ml LOGOS + 100ml 2.4D).