General information on liquid composite fertilizers
Liquid combined fertilizers Series FAST and FAST+
The liquid combined fertilizers from the series FAST represent a complex of macro-nutritional elements in optimal ratio, corresponding to all the norms of the plants. A complex of micro-nutritional elements in chelated form, which assumes their problem-free assimilation by the plant organism is also included in combination with the macro-nutritional elements.
The problems which are presented in the series FAST are NPK 10:10:10, NPK 6:12:12, NPK 5:15:10 and PK 16:16. Thus developed, these products provide the farmers with possibility fully to feed the plants with liquid fertilizers, in this manner supplying them with easily accessible and digestible food at any time of vegetation.
The liquid combined fertilizers from series FAST+ represent a complex of nutritional micro-elements in optimal ratio corresponding to the needed for the individual groups of crops during vegetation. All the elements are in a chelated form which assumes their problem-free assimilation by the plant organism. The formula which are presented in the series, are Fast+ for oil seed crops, FAST+ for cereal-grain crops, FAST+ for vegetable crops and Fast+ for perennial plants. These products provide the farmers with possibility fully to feed the plants with liquid fertilizers, in this manner providing them with the nutritional elements needed for optimal development during vegetation.
Scale for assimilation of nutrients in conformity with the pH of the soil
The assimilation of all the kinds of nutrients from the soil depends on its active acidity. Each of the nutritional macro- and micro-elements has various limit values, at which it may be assimilated by the plant organism. The main nutrients and respectively the values of рН, at which they may be optimally received by the root system of the plants are shown on the scheme. The correction of the soil acidity is a significant measure which should not be neglected by the farmers. This correction may result in optimal assimilation of the applied fertilizers and thence in the reduction of the cost price of the obtained production.
⊳ It is stored packed in dry, closed warehouse premises.
⊳ Moistening or direct solar heating is not desirable.
It is transported in liquid state (auto-tanks) or plastic containers.
It is offered in packaging of: