ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 77% copper hydroxide corresponding to 50% pure copper.
FORMULATION: Water-repellent powder.
Wide-range contact copper fungicide. When treating FUNGURAN ON 50 VP
crops, it blocks the development and division of spores and bacteria.
Due to the needle shape of the copper hydroxide crystals, FUNGURAN ON 50 VP
is firmly attached to the plants, which guarantees their protection from a number of economically important diseases. The presence of Cu² + ion determines the fungicidal and bactericidal activity of the product in different crops.
Wheat against:
Vineyards - Plasmopara viticola
Dose: 0,15%
Shore length 10-15 cm over an interval of 10-14 days
Tomato - Phytophthora infestans
Dose: 0,15% Prophylactic
Before primary infections in 10-14 days
Peaches - Taphrina deformans
Dose: 15% Autumn and spring
After harvesting before swelling of the flower buds.
Against Cladosporium carphilum
Dose: 150-250 g/da
Tobacco - Pythium spp.
Dose: 0,30%
If the disease occurs and prophylactically during 10-14 days
Potatoes - Phytophthora infestans
Dose: 150g/da Prophylactic
Before primary infections in 10-14 days
Pears - Venturia pirina
Dose: 150-250g/da
Erwinia amylovora
Dose: 150-200 g/da
Apples - Erwinia amylovora
Dose: 110-500 g/da
Nectarines - Cladosporium carphilum
Dose: 150 - 250 g/da
Cherries - Stigmina carpophila
Dose: 130-200g/da
Plums - Stigmina carpophila
Dose: 110-200 g/da
Raspberries - Didimella applanata
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Resting until the first leaf appears
Sphaceloma necator - Gleosporium venetum
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Mykosphaerella rubi
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Phragmidium rubi-idaei
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Strawberries - Diplocarpon earliana
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Rest: The leaves are flattened and partially rotted to swelling of the main bud.
Phomopsis odscurans
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Mycosphaerella fragarie
Dose: 200-300 g/da
Walnuts - Xanthomonas juglandis
Dose: 110-240 g/da
Hazelnuts - Xanthomonas juglandis
Dose: 110-240 g/da
Apricot - Monilinia laxa
Dose: 150-250 g/da
After harvesting the fruit until the flower bud bursts.
QUARANTINE TERM: Apple, Pear, Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Cherries, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries - not required when applied; Vine, Tomatoes, Tobacco, Potatoes - 14; Nuts, Hazelnut - 28 days
The sprays should start in the presence of favorable climatic conditions for the development of primary contamination in the given crop.
To maximize the effect of the product, the treatment of the plants is preventively performed in 7-10 days.
May be mixed with other fungicides, insecticides and leaf fertilizers.
Given the multitude of formulations, it is advisable to test compatibility between the different products before mixing.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 750 g/kg of mancoceb
FORMULATION: Water dispersible granules
Contacting fungicide with protective action
Easy-to-use formulation.
No risk of pathogen resistance.
Soft action on treated plants.
Tomato against:
Phitophthora infestans
Alternaria solani
Coletotrichum spp
Dose: 200 g/da
Quarantine term: 3 days.
Ornamental plants (up to 50 cm tall)
Puccinia sp.
Dose: 160 g/da
Quarantine term: No.
For maximum effect, take prophylactic treatment for 7-14 days. Maximum number of applications for decorative - 4, for tomatoes - 5.
BRIZ 12,5 EK
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 125 g / l Flutriafol
FORMULATION: Suspension concentrate
ADVANTAGES: Low dose of application leading to high economic efficiency. It quickly penetrates into the foliage and does not wash away. Ensures uniform translocation to all parts of the plant. It is acting through its money.
Wheat against:
Puccinia reconditа
Dose: 100 ml/da
Quarantine term: 30 days.
Sprays should be carried out preventively or at an early stage of the infection.
In case of a strong attack, do two treatments in 7-10 days. May be mixed with most of the plant protection products used in practice.
Given the multitude of formulations, it is advisable to test compatibility between the different products before mixing.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: 70% Thiophanate-methyl
FORMULATION: Water-repellent powder
ADVANTAGES: The active substance of TOP PLUS 70 VP is taken up extremely quickly by the plants, making it resistant to rinsing. Flexible with regard to the spraying period. Extremely soft action on treated plants.
Wide-spectrum systemic fungicide with protective and curative action.
The active substance of TOP PLUS 70 VP is taken extremely quickly by the plants, making it resistant to rinsing.
The active substance of TOP PLUS 70 VP is taken extremely quickly by the plants, making it resistant to rinsing. Flexible with regard to the spraying period. Extremely soft action on treated plants.
Wheat against:
Vineyards (wine varieties)
Botritis cinarea
Dose: 100 – 120 g/da
Quarantine term: 35 days.
Forest tree species
Against fungal diseases
Dose: 0,1%
Quarantine term: 35 days.
Sowing of ponies and saplings in cones
Dose: 10 g in 6 l water/m2.
Quarantine term: 35 days.
May be mixed with other fungicides, insecticides and leaf fertilizers.
Given the multitude of formulations, it is advisable to test compatibility between the different products before mixing.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 330% copper in the form of copper oxychloride and 20% mancozeb.
FORMULATION: Water-soluble powder
Combined fungicide with contact, safety, local systemic and curative action. Couperin Super M is used to control the agent of the common manna on the vines - Plasmopora viticola.
Fungicide is in turquoise blue color and pulverized parts of plants are noticeably different.
The presence of copper in the product provides prevention of bacterial diseases.
Mixed with products against powdery mildew and leaf fertilizer.
Wheat against:
Plasmopara viticola
Dose: 0,2 % (200 g/da)
The most suitable time to treat crops is prior to primary infections. Start from a 10-15 cm length of shingle and treat at an interval of 7-10 days
QUANTITY DURATION: 14 days Protective spraying. The first treatment is made by a signal from the forecast points and the next - at an interval of 7-10 days.
Recommended working solution: 100 l / ha at a concentration of 0.2% and 30-100 l / ha at a dose of 200 g/da.
The plants are treated safely for 7-10 days under favorable conditions for the development of the cause of the disease (several days in the afternoon, the cloudiness is high and the temperature is around 15 ° C-24 ° C).
When using a spraying technique with a working solution below 100 l / ha, the dose should be applied per da.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Iprodione 500 g/kg
FORMULATION: water dispersible granules (WDG)
Contacting fungicide with protective and curative action to control gray rot.
Effectively inhibits the development of resistant forms of Gray rot.
Inhibits pathogens that have developed resistance to benzimidazole derivatives (thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, flupyloid), especially Botrytis cinerea. Causes of pathogen breakdown of cellular structure during their intense growth and fission by blocking spore germination and mycelium. It does not affect the process of alcoholic fermentation.
Wheat against:
Vineyards - wine and dessert varieties
Botrytis Cinerea
Dose: 100-150 g/da
Quarantine term: 15 days.
Dose: 150-200 g/da
Quarantine term: 3 days.
Best vines are recommended for up to 2 treatments per season. The first treatment should be done in the Stage Closure phase. The second in the Grain Stage phase at a 15-day interval.
Tomatoes are recommended for up to 3 treatments per season. The first treatment should be done after flowering and the next after 15 days.
Before mixing with other pesticides or leaf fertilizers, it is a good idea to test the compatibility of each product.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 800 g / kg of mancozeb in the form of water-repellent powder=
The product is a contact fungicide from the group of dithiocarbamates. The mancozeb forms a complex with metal-containing enzymes, including those involved in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), thereby inhibiting the vital activity of the pathogen.
FORMULATION: Water-soluble powder.
Contact fungicide with exceptional efficacy in the fight against the causative agent - Phytophthora infestas.
It is harmless to bees and can be used during flowering of plants.
It suppresses the reproduction of the mites and has a repellent effect on some insects.
It has been successfully combined with products against cauliflower mania. At the indicated dose, it is compatible with leaf fertilizers.
Wheat against:
Phytophthora infestans
Dose: 250 g/da
Quarantine date: 14 days.
The most appropriate application time is prior to primary mannan infections. For this purpose, prophylactic treatments are performed at an interval of 7-10 days.
It is necessary to start the first sprays in the presence of favorable conditions for the development of the disease and to be performed at an interval of 7 - 10 days. Solution cost: 60-100 l / ha (depending on the size of the leaf).
Technique and Application Specifications - Applied with conventional ground technology.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 4% simoxanil, 29% copper in the form of copper oxychloride and 12% mancozeb.
FORMULATION: Water-soluble powder
Combined fungicide with contact, safety, local systemic and curative action. Cuprostite Gold M is used to combat the agent of the common manna on the vines - Plasmopora viticola.
A combination of three active substances with distinct synergy among themselves.
Without affecting the organoleptic qualities.
Enhances the natural defense mechanisms of plants against stress factors.
At the indicated dose, the product is miscible with other fungicides, insecticides and leaf fertilizers.
Wheat against:
Phytophthora infestans
Dose: 250 g/da
Treatment should begin under favorable conditions for the development of manna causative agents and last for 10 to 14 days.
The fight is effective when it begins immediately after the first "greasy" spots appear. Solution cost: 60-100 l / ha (depending on the size of the leaf).
Technique and Application Specifications - Applied with conventional ground technology.
To obtain a good effect, it is necessary to ensure good spraying and uniform coverage of the treated plants.
The amount of the working solution should be increased with the increase of the foliage at each subsequent spraying, so that the old and new foliage can be securely coated. We recommend spraying early in the morning or in the evening at temperatures below 28 ° C. It has been successfully combined with products against the causative agent of powdery mildew.
Apply 2-3 times during the growing of the crop. If more treatments are needed, it is necessary to use products on a different chemical basis. In this way, the efficiency of the product is increased and the danger of becoming resistant to it is reduced.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 8% simoxanil and 64% mancozeb.
FORMULATION: Water-soluble powder
Combined fungicide with contact, safety, local systemic and curative action. Cuprostite Gold M is used to combat the agent of the common manna on the vines - Plasmopora viticola.
A combination of two fungicides with synergy between them.
Low dose - high economic efficiency.
Without affecting the organoleptic qualities.
Without affecting the fermentation processes of the wine.
Enhances the natural defense mechanisms of plants against stress factors.
At the indicated dose, the product is miscible with other fungicides, insecticides and leaf fertilizers.
Wheat against:
Plasmopara viticola
Dose: 0,15% (150 g/da)
Extremely suited to the critical phase for the appearance of manna - from the beginning of flowering to the formation of the grains. Treat over a period of 10-14 days.
To obtain a good effect, it is necessary to ensure good spraying and uniform coverage of the treated plants. The struggle against the mana in the vine begins with the development of favorable phytopathogenic conditions.
KUPROSYEDE GOLD M has a curative effect, which allows treatment of the vine to start even 48 hours after the infection. We recommend spraying early in the morning or in the evening at temperatures below 28 ° C. When using a spraying technique with a working fluid consumption below 100 l/da, the dose should be applied per decare. It has been successfully combined with products against the causative agent of powdery mildew.